RBC Mainway
This Royal Bank branch is located in the GTA. This building was made into a park asset to allow you to plop more than one in your city. This asset provides moderate entertainment as your CIMs can take pride in saving for their future, or making withdrawals for some instant gratification.
This asset incorporates the design aspects of RBC’s newly constructed branches across the GTA. It comes with parking and Drive-Thru.
Check out the smaller Appleby bank:
Maintenance cost:300
Entertainment radius:500
Model details
Triangle count:456
1024×1024 texture
LOD details
Triangle count:328
128×128 texture
Credit for conception and commission goes to BrowncoatTrekky. Credit goes to DanDeKalb for creation and implementation for Cities Skylines. Please reference DanDeKalb if further adaptations are to be made.