RealCity V1.0.13.05
群号 626703845。谢谢。
Read English Q/A First!(2017.12.18 updated).
V1.0 special building (V1.0特殊建筑).
1.Click topmiddle city situation to enable City income UI.
2.Click topmiddle ecnomic data to enable ecnomic UI.
3.Click buttomleft “B” in buildingUI to see extend building GUI.
4.Click citizens to see extend citizen GUI.
The main purpose of RealCity Mod is to make game more reality like true world. It added several elements as below:
(1) Build concept of residents’ income and expense
1、Resident salary.
2、Resident personal salary-tax.
3、Resident house-rent expense.
4、Resident transport expense.
5、Resident visit and consumption expense.
6、Resident education and health-care expense.
(2) Build concept of commercial and industrial building income and expense
1、Business income.
2、Business purchase expenses.
3、Trade and commerce export transaction tax expenses.
4、Land cost of industrial and commercial .
5、Staff cost of Industrial and commercial .
(3) New urban industrial chain system.
1、Resident family daily consumption transaction chain.
2、Industrial import and export transaction chain.
3、Commerical import and export transaction chain.
4、Tourist transaction chain.
5、City and outside transaction chain.
(4) New resident and tourist movingin system.
1、Resident movingin based on city family total wealth condition.
2、Resident&tourist movingin based on city industrial oil and ore num.
3、Resident movingin based on city total family num.
4、Tourist movingin based on special policy.
(5)Complex outside connection
1、Outside demand
1.1、Outside garbage deal demand
1.2、Outside deadmove deal demand
1.3、Outside Police Patrol demand
1.4、Outside First Aid Help demand
1.5、Outside Fire inspection Help Demand
1.6、Outside Road maintenance Demand
2、New Outside building
2.1、new outside hospital
2.2、new outside policestation
(6) New residentAI commericalAI and industrialAI
1、Resident house selection based on family money
2、Resident travel based on family money
3、New random visit beviour of resident
4、New random visit beviour of tourist
5、Industrialbuilding behaviour based on building money
6、Commericalbuilding behaviour based on building money
(7) Plenty of new added city income and expense.
City income:
7.1 New added personal salary-tax income
7.2 New added industrial trade tax income
7.3 New added outside garbage move demand income
7.4 New added outside dead move demand income
7.5 New added park and monument building tourist income
7.6New added outside road maintain help income
7.7New added garbage recycle center export product income
7.8New added outside Police Patrol demand income
7.9New added outside first aid demand income
7.10Adjust fixed in-game land income (deeply decreased)
City expense:
7.11 New added government employ salary expense
7.12 New added electricity and heat and shelter material expense
7.13 New added outside police help expense
(8) Building plenty of New added random event and outside trade deal(V0.9 only partly supported yet).
中文版本 v0.9(100%已完成)[]
You can support me if you wish for further development ?