Allows replacing textures and meshes ingame in realtime for testing purposes.
d/a/c/i/n/s and mesh for buildings/props/vehicles(reimported mesh wheels won’t spin)
d/a/c/n and mesh for trees (LODs update once camera is moved)
Imports files from the local asset import folder.
Textures are PNG just like normally, mesh must be OBJ format.
SHIFT + ALT + R to open UI
Thank you to:
Simon Royer for the UI and help.
boformer for the initial mesh replacement code and help.
Known issues:
LODs can’t be replaced, except for trees, which are rendered realtime.
Wheels will not spin for replaced vehicle meshes.
Object must be placed at 0,0,0 before exporting OBJ. (In 3ds Max at least)
Textures which are shared because of Loading Screen Mod will all get replaced.
I can’t test every possible scenario with every possible prefab type, so maybe something may import incorrectly.
Source Code:
Simtropolis (Assets/Mods)[]
Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help)[]
C:S Creators Discord[]
Donate (Ronyx)[]
Donate (Simon)[]