Refinery ‘strutted’ flare stack (Ploppable RICO)

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Refinery ‘strutted’ flare stack (Ploppable RICO)

!!With working flame effect!!

A gas flare, alternatively known as a flare stack, is a gas combustion device used in industrial plants such as petroleum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants as well as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells, gas wells, offshore oil and gas rigs and landfills.

In industrial plants, flare stacks are primarily used for burning off flammable gas released by pressure relief valves during unplanned over-pressuring of plant equipment. During plant or partial plant startups and shutdowns, flare stacks are also often used for the planned combustion of gases over relatively short periods.

A great deal of gas flaring at many oil and gas production sites has to do with protection against the dangers of over-pressuring industrial plant equipment. When petroleum crude oil is extracted and produced from onshore or offshore oil wells, raw natural gas associated with the oil is brought to the surface as well. Especially in areas of the world lacking pipelines and other gas transportation infrastructure, vast amounts of such associated gas are commonly flared as waste or unusable gas. The flaring of associated gas may occur at the top of a vertical flare stack (as in the adjacent photo) or it may occur in a ground-level flare in an earthen pit. Preferably, associated gas is reinjected into the reservoir, which saves it for future use while maintaining higher well pressure and crude oil producibility

(prop pack is not necessary, however, if you dont subscribe to it you wont get the box office on the asset)

model and textures made by myself. applying the fire effect and finding it also done by me. i used modtools for identification and placement of the fire effect.

Giometry E
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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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