Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping.
Also includes 7 different LUTs.
Adjustments: brightness, gamma, contrast, overall temperature/tint, sun temperature/tint, sky temperature/tint, moon temperature/tint, moon light, twilight tint, sky tonemapping.
Please read the description!
Any comments indicating you haven’t done so will be ignored.
Hotkey: Shift + Alt + L
Balanced for global light 5.0 and ambient light 1.0 settings in ultimate eyecandy. (exactly middle of sliders)
Shadows must be set to max using Shadow Strength Adjuster, if you want to reduce shadow strength, use ultimate eyecandy to reduce global light intensity and increase ambient light intensity, this is the proper way to make shadows less visible.
Definite conflict: (DISABLE/UNSUBSCRIBE)
Softer Shadows
Potential problems: (CHECK SETTINGS)
Daylight Classic (classic sunlight color/intensity and classic fog color must be disabled)
Thank you to Simon Royer for the UI / saving and preset system
Source Code:
Simtropolis (Assets/Mods)[]
Simtropolis (Tutorials/Scripts/Help)[]
Asset Requests
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