[RF] Storm Drain Outlet
Storm Drain Outlet by [SSU]yenyang
Dumps Storm water. Requires gravity flow from inlets. It does not require nor conduct electricity.
Outlet Capacity: 15000 units
Cost: 2250
Upkeep: 16/week
Electricity: 0 KW
By default Storm Drain Outlets snap to shorelines and canals.
If you hold ALT while placing one then you can place it anywhere.
Experimental: Once placed you can click on the outlet and press Page Up or Page Down to raise/lower the elevation of the outlet by 1.
Must be connected to your sewer and water system but only uses 1 water and 1 sewer. Does not dump sewage. It does not contribute to the water or sewage because storm drain water is kept separate.
Gravity Flow means that if you want water to flow from an inlet to this outlet the elevation of the inlet must be higher than the outlet.
Storm Drain Inlets and Pumps direct any storm water that is collected to Underground Detention Basins within the same district first, and then to Gravity Storm Drain Outlets and SD Force Main Outlets in the same district once the Detention Basins have reached 80% filled. Anything not included in a district is actually in District 0.
Line Not Connected – You don’t have any inlets in the same district. Add an inlet in this district or move the outlet to another district with an inlet.
Landfill Full – There is not enough outlet capacity within this district. Build additional outlets or wait for the storm to lessen.
See Official Rainfall Guide for more details about the Rainfall Mod
Special Thanks to Snow_Cat because without Asset AI Changer & Asset UI Priority Changer, the storm drain assets would not have been possible.
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