Welcome to one of the many valley’s of the Rhône!
This map is based on a valley of the Rhône located in Switzerland near Port-Valais. The river flows out in Lac Léman.
The map itself has 1 2-lane highway, 3 self-made intersections, 2 national roads(connected to the highway), 2 railways, boatlines, mountains, 1 big and 2 small rivers, a beach, farmland and even vineyards.
To make the map perfect i have chosen for custom trees, rocks and 1 mod unlimited trees for making the mountains a bit more realistic.
The reason why i chose this location is the opportunity to have a beautiful river combined with flat land and gorgeous mountains on the side.
I hope you enjoy the map and if you do, leave a like! Thank you!
Leave a comment down below what part of the world or what map i should build next and maybe i build it!
not a fan of this map? maybe take a look at my other map Tuscany!
No more Mass transit dlc required!
Mass transit is replaced with the network extension 2 mod