RICO Commercial "Supermarket Tabris old version" (Krasnodar, Russia)
Hi again!
New building by me ? The old version of building Krasnodar supermarket network “Tabris”. There are 9 supermarkets in the city. Most of them was redisigned to contemporary “ecological” style. Original building located on Krasnyh Partizan (in the name of Red Guerillas) near of the botanical garden of Kuban State Agricultural University (fence of this botanic garden you can fing in my workshop). Anybody read descriptions for my assets?
In game:
– 50 workplaces;
– RICO (required);
– after dark;
– $50k cost;
Asset is using some custom props, made by me and other authors. Please subscribe for this. If you are city painter and you don’t use that props with this asset, you can delete them by ingame editor.
If you don’t have RICO this building will be a monument in game without workplaces and other features.
Please subscribe for my another works for Cities Skylines.