Riverbend V 1.0

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Riverbend V 1.0


Over eons the mighty river carved it’s way through the hills and mountains, washing out stretches of swampy flat land, only leaving the hard rock. After centuries of work, humans finally managed to drain the swamps and bogs and now what is left is a fertile and solid ground for a city, optimally located near the shipping routes downriver to the ocean.

This map is based on the Middle-Rhine region around Koblenz and you can find anything you want here, flat land, hills and farms. The ressource brushes have been used to make the fields but you can still use those areas for oil and ore industry.

25 tiles mod is highly recommended, but with all 81 this map unfolds beautifully.
My personal recommendation would be to use the River, it’s smaller tributary and the lakes to the south with canals and ferries to ease your public transportation.

Thanks to the following creators whose assets have been utilised:

Lost_Gecko for the trees
Jerenable for the Erasmus bridge model
VIP for his bridge
OWL for the surface rock pack
Mark Fire for the San Minato Theme
Agusingnavy and Timboh for Intersection designs

Feedback and criticism is highly welcome.

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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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