Runway PAPI Lights
CREATED by Karaya2 ( )
AD UPDATE by Archduke Vanderpool ( )
– I have updated the asset and adjusted it’s stats.
– All light slots now working
– Works beautifully as 08.April.2016
– Will be updated when necessary
A precision approach path indicator (PAPI) is a visual aid that provides guidance information to help a pilot acquire and maintain the correct approach (in the vertical plane) to an airport or an aerodrome. It is generally located beside the runway approximately 300 meters beyond the landing threshold of the runway.
The ratio of white to red lights seen is dependent on the angle of approach to the runway. Above the designated glideslope a pilot will observe more white lights than red, at approaches below the ideal angle more red lights than white will be seen. For the optimum approach angle the ratio of white to red lights will remain equal throughout.
—– Creator Comment —–
Airport PAPI System now with working lights.
Please note, that this model is not made by me, the original is here:
I have only added lights, so it will look better during nighttime.
Thank You.