Sibeom Apartments (시범아파트)
This is a model of the Sibeom Apartments found near the 63 Building in Seoul, South Korea. It is uploaded as a park as it is too large to be a growable building (which is limited to 4×4 units) and ideally you would place several of these right near each other, so a unique building was out. I also didn’t want it to be full of school children, or ambulances/police/fire trucks, so that only really left parks. Because of that, the flatten terrain option doesn’t quite work right, and trying to place this asset on an incline will result in warped geometries. I therefore recommend either limiting its placement only to flat terrain, or using a terraforming mod alongside it.
If you want to combine these apartments with the 63 Building, you can find a model of it by Kugisa here:
Construction Cost: 9000
Maintenance Cost: 60
Tourism: 30/10/5
Entertainment Accumulation: 60
Entertainment Radius: 200
Tris: 15,426
Texture Size: 1024×1024
Textures: Diffuse, Specular
LOD Tris: 172
이 모델은 63빌딩 근처에 있는 시범아파트입니다. 큰건물은 허용 사이즈(4×4유닛)보다 더 크기 때문에 현재 공원으로 업로드를 해 놓았고 이상적으로 이 건물들끼리 서로 다닥다닥 붙여서 배치를 해야하기 때문에 고유의 건물로 지정해놓을수 없었습니다. 더더욱 건물이 학생들이나 소방차,구급차,경찰차등으로 가득차는것을 원치 않기 때문에 공원으로 정하게 되었습니다. 그렇기때문에 납작한 지형 옵션은 가능하지 않습니다. 경사에 이 자산을 배치시키려고 하면 지형이 변형됩니다. 그래서 납작한곳만 쓸수있게 제한을 걸거나 지형 에디터를 사용하길 추천합니다.
UPDATE: This building now has light-up windows for After Dark. I’ve also added tourism values, as areas with a ton of these buildings were becoming ghost towns.
UPDATE 2: Fixed weird/ugly rings of light that were appearing around the windows.
If you’d like to show your support for this asset, donations are appreciated!