Simple Module Station – Building シンプルモジュール駅 駅舎
Simple module It is the station building which becomes the base of the station. you connect various modules to this station building. (However, due to the pedestrian route, Bay Platform 3 Module can not be connected directly to this station building.)
Please be aware that the range of connectable stations is narrow.
In the Bay Platform Module, route setting may be disturbed. (Cause is unknown)
Because the height deviates or a hidden road emerges, please install it as flat as possible. There are times when the car parks on the hidden road, there is no particular problem even if it is as it is, but if you are concerned about the appearance, please prohibit parking with MOD (Traffic Manager President Edition etc.).
Prop other than the minimum light is not installed, please install your favorite Prop as necessary. Be sure to turn off 81 tiles MOD when editing various modules with asset editor. It is because the track is disturbed.
Electricity 30
Construction 20000
Maintenance 2000
Garbage 6
Water 10/10
Workers 3/10/15/5
Noise 20/40
tris 258 1024×1024
高さがずれたり隠れた道路が出現したりするので、なるべく平坦な場所に設置してください。隠れ道路に車が駐車することがあります、そのままでも特に問題はありませんが、見た目が気になる場合はMOD(Traffic Manager President Editionなど)で駐車禁止にしてください。
電力消費 30
建設費 20000
メンテナンス 2000
ゴミ 6
水 10/10
労働者 3/10/15/5
騒音 20/40