Skyland Mall
Skyland Mall
Consists of 5 Assets
-Main Entrance
-Rear Entrance/Food Court
-Wing/Side Entrance
*these 3 buildings are all Unique Buildings and require a road connection
-Square connector/puzzle piece
-Angled connector/puzzle piece
*these 2 buildings are basically props/they can be placed anywhere, don’t require road connection and have no stats
**Warning** None of these buildings have included RICO settings. The idea is to put commercial/RICO buildings around the mall, while the mall itself is an attraction. However, if you desire to turn your Shopper’s Paradise into Cargo Chaos then use the custom RICO settings included in the mod.
I’ve included a youtube video of my (hurriedly) putting together a mall. I’ll have more detailed stats and better screenshots at a later time, I’ve got a plane to catch in a few hours.
**tip: I draw pedestrian paths in the shape of the layout of the mall connecting the anchor stores and the mall entrances so cims will walk through the mall and stores to get to other stores rather than walking around the perimeter of the mall
If you like my assets, check out the process on YouTube and please consider a small donation as a token of appreciation.