Small Parking Garage / Multi-storey Car Park
This is the little brother to Medium Parking Garage which you can find here:
This car park has a 4×4 footprint with a 4×8 total size. This allows you to fill gaps in your zonable areas (particularly when there’s a 90 degree angle in your roads). You may have to manually demolish anything in its path though. There’s entrances on two sides as well as a pedestrian path running through the elevator area.
The structure looks fine on its own, but will look better when you hook a bunch of them up together. They will align along a straight line, in T-formation or side-by-side. Feel free to change or add your own props.
Service: Park
Cost: 6000
Upkeep: 500
Entertainment: 80
Range: 300
4 x 4 ploppable (4 x 8 total size)
~ 900 / 150 polys
512 x 1024 Diffuse, Specular, Alpha, Illumination and Color
64 x 128 LOD
This building will consume some power, but doesn’t require water.
Place the structure in an area with lots of cars already parked along the side of the road. Upgrade those roads to ones with trees or grass. Cars will now teleport to the garage. You’ll find a lot of them actually stay there forever, even if you upgrade back. Guess cims run out of gas too. ?