Small paver lights (10Props Pack)
Small paver lights (50cm x 50cm)
10 props pack (4colors and random, blink and not blink)
* It is not decals, you can move props up when use Move It! Mod (PageUpKey).
ver1.2—Lod get longer visible distance.
More Beautification
. . . . This mod allows to place props in-game
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Find It!
. . . . Find your assets in game (very) quickly.
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Prop & Tree Anarchy
. . . . for Prop anarchy
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Move It!
. . . . Use Page Up and Page Down to move object up and down
. . . . (when possible. Get Prop Snapping to be able to move props up/down).
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Prop Snapping
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Prop Precision
. . . . This mod allows props to be placed much more precisely.
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Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha)
. . . . Draw lines of props and trees like how you draw roads!
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Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
. . . . change Prop LOD visibility distance
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Prop Unlimiter[ALPHA]
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Fine Road Anarchy
. . . . for Anarchy (Ctrl+A)
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My workshop
My Screen Shots