SNCF-Corail Cargo Mixed
NOTE: To get the correct color variation you have to use the mod “Advanced Vehicle Options” as shown in the screens otherwise the 2nd locomotive will only appear in onrage tones.
Also I havent created any of these locomotives/trailers. I wanted to design my own trains with existing trailers/locomotives the only thing i did was extracting the Locomotive model from the game and created it as a new asset so i can use it as a trailer. (which took some time because the only thing i could extract properly was the diffuse map, the model and the mesh the other ones i had to create myself.)
-contains a specular map (windows are mirroring the environment)
-contains an illumination mask (windows are emitting light during the night)
-contains a color variation mask (self explanatory)
Trailer Setup: (12 trailers, 2 engines)
2x SNCF Corail Engine
2x Container (4 axes)
2x Boxcar (6 axes)
1x Flatcar (2 axes)
1x Flatcar with Logs (2 axes)
2x Tanker Car (4 axes)
2x Container (4 axes)
2x Coal Hopper (4 axes)
NOTE: The train is a longer version than standard the animation might be buggy while departing a cargo station
Tris count: 3,636
will be updated
Future Improvements:
-fix normal map and apply it (creates a shadow bug)
Thanks To:
VinZ83F for the Locomotive!
Creator of all the models used in this asset you did a very great job!
Creator of mod tools (that extraction tool is a great implementation)
(i know i should list all of the creators names but i used so many different cars that i hardly can find any of the creators, it would take at least a day to list all the names, so dont take it personally! y’all did a GREAT job, no doubt!!!)