I made this asset by a request of Mr. nanodog.
This solar heat power station is made from a collecting tower to send light to the NERV headquarters in the geo-front with animated cartoon “Evangelion”.
Do not generate electricity by night; support AfterDark again, but illumination does not turn on by night.
*It is really only one at once to be built.
Gameplay common:
Size: 5 x 5
Construction Cost: 28000
Maintenance Cost: 1500
Electricity Production: 3000
Sewage Accumulation: 5
Water Consumption: 20
UneducatedWokers: 2
EducatedWokers: 3
WellEducatedWokers: 12
HighEducatedWokers: 4
Triangle : 635
Texture : 1024 x 512
*** Change Log ***
26/Feb : Add Normal map texture
Reduction of the file size.