Stockholm Molna RL4
***Updated: windows now light up at night!***
Lidingö island, just east of Stockholm proper, is home to wealthy people, beautiful nature, and the ever popular Mölnahöjden neighbourhood. I’ve merged elements from several of the buildings found there to make this large terraced house. IRL the facades are all beige, but I like colour so I added some red, yellow and brown to the paint bucket. I quite like the result, if I may say so myself.
Randomly appearing props and trees are included, as always.
Level 4, low density residential
Grows on 2×2, 2×3 and 2×4 lots
Main model: 1066 triangles
Custom LOD: 78 triangles
Main texture: 1024×1024 px
LOD texture: 256×128 px
Now part of the Stockholm Larger Row Houses building theme!