Sunshine’s Shopping Heaven by BumpaNiggl (growable H3)
Sunshine’s Shopping Heaven – “The Superman Skyscraper” ^^ by Bumpa♥♥♥♥l (growable)
A tribute to my sunshine. :]
Custom made.
Cosmetics and shopping for the well situated ladies and everbody else that feels they need a treatment for their well being or just want to go shopping. Includes a Ben and Jerry’s makeover; just in case. :] Duff Beer and other commercials available.
Type: Commercial
Level: H3 (because the workshop could need a few more)
Size 4×4
Construction time: 30
Ground offset: 0
First height: 3.1
Other height: 3
Floor Count 900.1
Spec and bump map used.
– pedestrian markings
– building assets
– no parking
– no steam
– no smoke
If you are interested in my asset collection then please go here:
Also you might wanna look at this; a custom created map:
Feel free to vote this up.
Enjoy. =]