Suntrust Atlanta
Suntrust Tower, Atlanta Georgia USA
Unique Building, stats/template copied from High Interest Tower (doesn’t interfere with your city’s use of that building)
-NOTE- Flaws in the edge lighting in the screenshot are not wonky in game, it’s just an issue with asset editor so i’ll replace the screenshots soon
Tri count 926, LOD tris 106 (made with mirror modifier so the game only has to render 1/4 of the building)
Texture 1024×1024, LOD texture 128×128
Made using Blender and GIMP
– Recolor available, not enabled by default but there is a color map which allows changing the concrete material and the top’s edge lighting to match
– Custom LOD with randomized illumination map
– Randomized window lighting (this is done using roughly 50 shades of gray in the illumination map of the windows)
– Full specular map (makes glass reflective/shiny and concrete not)
-Realistic edge lighting that recreates how the actual building in Atlanta is lit at night, including single spotlight at pinnacle
-Minimal prop clutter (tree on each corner, roof spotlight, door marker on each side and 2 hangaround markers in front)
Included is a screenshot of my 2 (so far) Atlanta buildings with included. (Note that the actual Coca Cola HQ is not that tall)