Taco Bell REDUX (+RICO)
This asset is a redux version of Svenpotsdam’s Taco Bell. Asset has been updated to include RICO compatability on 11/29/16. Initial edit made to create another parking and layout option for the asset. Changes include an outdoor seating area for the guests.
Screenshots taken to confirm asset works as well as the original. Asset AD compatible like original, with stats shown above. Again, changes made by me to this asset are strictly cosmetic only, and serve to compliment the original author’s work while offering users another setup. Please note that NGON’s HVAC Shape 2 has been uploaded a couple times to the workshop and could not confirm which of those I used for this asset as I have subbed to both as several authors using different uploads. Hope the one I linked is the right one. Please let me know if it isn’t. Other listed required assets I felt enough people were subbed to them and chose to use them.
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