Telecomm Tower
This is based off a network server tower in Chicago. In-game it acts as a power source because, as we all know, the internet is a utility just like electricity. No cims or businesses profit off of it, it’s just paid for with taxes. So even though it provides an essential piece of infrastructure, you could technically say that it is “net neutral.”
Regarding its appearance, let’s let do the talking:
“Don’t ridicule this building simply because it is another bland brown block in a neighborhood of glitzy glass and steel skyscrapers. It looks utilitarian because it is. The primary purpose of this building is to house telephone equipment. Computers don’t need windows, they don’t need doors, and they don’t need their building to look pretty. What you end up with is a building that looks like it was designed by a computer for a computer. And that’s the way they like it.”
Tris – 2900 / 20
Textures – 1024² / 256²
8 x 8 x 150m
Happy new year, and thanks for all the support in 2017