This map has a temperate theme, install the theme and if the theme not is found, restart the game, or try click another map and then click back on this map.
I also highly recommend that you use OWL,s Cinematic HD Lut V1, the collection includes Owl,s lutpack, there you find Cinematic HD Lut V1, use that lut it looks good, or experiment with other luts.
There are 2 small collections to this map, just above this text for your convenience, one collection is the primary items needed, the second collection is a small prop collection, not necessary needed, but makes it a bit more interesting.
The Screenshots are taken with the mod Daylight Classic – with all settings set to classic in the options for the mod, I highly recommend using this mod for this map, it makes it reilly beatiful.
My theme s are often made to work with OWL,s luts / filters since I think he is the Lamborgini of map and lut makers.
Heya and very welcome to explore the beauty of Moraine Falls.
This map is made with love for creation and landscaping.
Its a northern canadian landscape in mind, this is a fantasy creation,I have used several heightmaps to get some beatiful mountains all the rest is built with my fanatasy.
You will not find a map on workshop that have the heavily streamed water you will find on this map, throw anything in the water and it will dissapear out to the big ocean, so this city will be a heaven for criminals, lol.
This map has been on the creation table for sometime now, I reilly hope some of you will like this map and construct great cities on it, pls let me see them.
Oh well, map has 4 connections of each one, road, boat, rail and flight.
Since it took me a while to paint this map, I will be very happy if you took sometime and come back to this page on steam and click on the like button and also on the favorite button, it will help me as a mapbuilder to know that you like my work, it will also help other city builders to find this map in a coupe of months on Steam.
My intention with this map is to show the beauty of northern landscapes, mixed with heavy streams of water, the paradise for all people that likes fishing and Canada is a great country for everyone that loves to do some fishing trips.
This map is also a big thank you to Mr BonBonB for flying over creators maps with some humor and showing up work from all over the planet, it is my way of saying Thank you Mr BonBonB.
Billboards was made by Mr Miyagi for this map, thank you very much my friend.
Last words from me is to say thank you Mr Maison for your wonderful trees, this map woudlnt exist without them, and Thank you modding community for all great work, without you this map wouldnt exist.