Through Module: Expansion 2. Old Brick Station by Bad Peanut
This is the second expansion to my Old Brick Station. You will need the required subscription in the panel on the right >>.
This is for all you guys who wanted a through module for your good old, old brick station! ? As always: keep reading for any issues before posting a stupid comment ?
If you would like to use this station with Metro Overhaul Mod (release TBA) then please use the Train & Train Stations Converter Mod by BloodyPenguin
Module 2 Center (M2.C)
++ accepts intra city passenger trains, and in the right conditions, outside connection services (I’ve seen this once in testing so best to plan the M1 as the outside connection just in case)
++ modular, repeat placement
++ snaps to M1
++ custom LOD
cost: 23000
upkeep: 368/week
water 400/week
electricity: 1200KW
triangles: 407
maps: d,a,n,i,s 1024×1024
LOD triangles: 87
LOD maps: d,n,i,s 512×512
Place the M1 along a road, then place M2’s snapping to the M1 (aligning the roof looks best!). Place the M2’s consecutively moving away from the road otherwise there’s no guarantee transfer will work. If editing placement, delete M2’s and place again, moving from closest to the M1 out.
If you find after editing that transfers aren’t occurring then delete all modules and start from scratch. You can alternate between M2.L and M2.R depending on which direction your train lines need, or place M2.C to have lines pass through the station!
Known Issues:
++if connected to outside connection network i have seen (once) the erratic spawning of outside connection trains. There seems to be a limit of how many can be spawned at a time (thankfully) but it is consistent. If it starts it will keep going. I haven’t had this happen every time I’ve placed the asset but if it happens to you you have 2 options: 1 keep playing but keep that module on a separate network (so as not to clog your lines) or 2 only use these modules for intra city services. I apologise for the inconvenience but i have no reasonable explanation to why this occurs. Strictly speaking each module is an individual train station asset so it’s not like there’s a change of code or anything from single track stations. Quite frustrating really.
Bad Peanut
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