Timboh’s Gothic Interchange
Gothic interchanges have a bit of a shady reputation, worse than it deserves in my opinion. They sometimes go by the name “Malfunction Crossing” due to its deceptivly broken-looking structure, with the mainline carriageways switching sides. The name also originates from the problems with the ramps in the inner lane. This is a problem in the real world, where heavier, slower traffic will have a hard time reaching, and leaving, these ramps. However, I think a directional setup might be beneficial in-game, since concepts like road safety, and individual vehicle speed (seperate from road speed) doesn’t seem to affect the capacity of the interchange.
+ Fully directional
+ No weaving
+ Easier to plop down in uneven terrain
– Still larger than a turbine interchange
– Difficult to retro-fit due to a fairly confusing layout
Cost:47 730
Upkeep: 541 / week
In-game description:
With carriageways criss-crossing each other, driving on this interchange is like going across the channel back and forth!
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