Timboh’s SPUPCLO Interchange

Cities: Skylines Mods |

Timboh’s SPUPCLO Interchange

Am I the only one who have a bad habit of pronouncing abbreviations as if they were words? Instead of saying S-P-U-P-C-L-O, I say Spupclo for some reason. Maybe I’m just a bit thick, but hey, I can atleast build interchanges! This is a SPUPCLO, a brilliant creation by Scott Oglesby on kurumi.com. The abbreviation stands for Single Point Urban Partial CLOverleaf, and it does share a few characteristics with the SPUI (Single Point Urban Interchange). Like the name says, the interchange has a “single point”, only one at-grade intersection. All other ramps merge in a free-flowing fashion, meaning that traffic will only have to stop at one single intersection. Pretty neat, huh? What makes it even more awesome is the fact that they’ve actually built one of these “concept interchanges” for once!


+ It’s basically the improved version of the A-4 Parclo, retaining most of its qualities
+ Managing a single intersection makes minor upgrades easier (for example, dedicated lanes)

– Not as upgrade-friendly as the A-4 Parclo, when it comes to major upgrades
– Larger than most service interchanges


Cost: 24 330
Upkeep: 270 / week

In-game description: No, Spupclo is not the name of Cthulhu’s cousin who haunts highways. Its confusing layout might haunt your head, though.


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Useful Information:
- Cities: Skylines 2 Mods
- About Cities: Skyline Game
- How to Install Cities: Skylines Mods

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