TOD’s_AD_Warm_Contrasted_1.1 [FIXED]
This is an updated workshop entry due to a failed update on my last LUT. For whatever reason I updated my previous LUT with a PNG file and not a CRP and now the workshop will not allow me to update the previous entry. That seems to be beyond my knowledge base to fix as I spent the entire day trying to make it work. The best thing I can do is offer this same (slightly updated LUT for better colors, brightness etc.) LUT under a new entry.
Please see the previous deprecated entry here:
This 1.1 LUT is the almost the same old LUT just updated to now work with your subscription as the PNG will not transfer via Steam as a usable LUT (it has to be a .CRP file).
Sorry in advance for the problems and confusions and I hope you guys enjoy this LUT. I like it a lot.