Toll Booth Turnpike – TLC-S2 – Compact Two-Way
This turnpike can be placed on top of four-lane and six-lane avenues and has an optional lay-by / frontage area. The S2 is originally based on a request by Wastel to convert the S1 into a two-way. The service building spawns up to six police cars and is slightly more expensive than the S1. It’s also scaled more realistically, more similar to the A1 and A2.
=== TLC series of TOLL BOOTH TURNPIKES ===
This experimental series of turnpike structures provides patrol coverage directly through your motorways. At this time these do not generate money, so they are mostly for adding a visual landmark in front of bridges etc. You can find the entire TLC collection above, with more info and direct links down below.
The A1, A2 and L models should be placed on flat terrain, as the base model is designed to overlap parts of existing roads and it cannot curve along bumps. The S1 and S2 are more compact and userfriendly; these can be placed practically anywhere. No mods are required, but traffic mods might be a good idea to solve any wonky lane bias.
The terraform tool is a must if you are building on an uneven surface.
=== INFO ===
Service: Police
Polygons: 2300
Verts: 3100
Texture: 1024×1024 Diff/Spec/Illumination
=== VARIANTS ===
– TLC-A1 – High Speed –
Passive high velocity setup for large amounts of expressway traffic.
Cost: 11000
Upkeep: 48/Week
Cells: 6×16
Patrol vehicles: 8
Accumulation: 25
Coverage: 1000
3 High Speed Lanes + 2 Lay-by Lanes
All Lanes Open
Status: Published
– TLC-L – High Speed Left-Hand Traffic –
A1/A2 hybrid with left-side lay-by.
Cost: 11000
Upkeep: 0 (Self-sufficient)
Cells: 6×16
Patrol vehicles: 8
Accumulation: 25
Coverage: 1000
Status: Published
– TLC-S1 – Compact One-Way –
Cost: 6000
Upkeep: 0 (Self-sufficient)
Cells: 1×2
Patrol vehicles: 4
Accumulation: 20
Coverage: 500
Status: Published
– TLC-S2 – Compact Two-Way –
Cost: 8000
Upkeep: 0 (Self-sufficient)
Cells: 1×3
Patrol vehicles: 6
Accumulation: 20
Coverage: 500
Status: Published
=== FAQ ===
Q: Does this generate money? Do cars pay toll?
A: No, there’s currently no mechanic for this. I’m not a programmer so I cannot add it. Instead, you get eight patrol cars and a 25 police boost, at virtually no cost once built.
Q: Do cars stop?
A: On the A2 version, they slow down to road speed. You’ll need traffic mods like Traffic++ to further customize traffic behavior.
Q: Why does my road surface look strange? Roads are popping thru?
A: It’s crucial you build these on flat ground (use the terraform ramp tool). The model vertices are aligned with very little tolerance for error. This makes them a bit harder to use, but looks much better in the end. Refer to the video and screenshots for more details.
Q: Why do cars sink through the floor?
A: In this game, regular roads have lanes slightly underneath ground level. Since I’m maping these roads underneath the model surface, cars tend to sink through as well. This is not a problem with highway lanes, as these are always flush with the ground. Again, lots of experimental/development things here…
Q: How stable is this?
A: I’ve tested these a lot and been using them in my cities on primary connections. Kimchi has reported crashes while building the second turnpike, which I’ve not been able to replicate (as you can see in the video). It will need more tests and feedback to be considered fully stable. So save regularly.
Q: Can I change or remove props?
A: Yes, props can be modified in the asset editor. Some props are part of the base model.
Q: Can I change/mod road color?
A: No, this is textured based on the vanilla game, but you could try changing the diffuse manually.
=== MORE INFO ===
As stated, these assets are VERY experimental. I was toying around in 3ds max when I noticed I could just pave my own tarmac, not just structures, and hide the roads underneath. And so I started some different layouts which would cause traffic to pick a lane and move through. Traffic will often still favor a specific lane (even if it’s actually longer) but I tried to balance it as best as I could.
You will notice some unintentional side effects like street lights popping up where they shouldn’t, or cars sinking through the floor. No real fix for that unless modding the roads manually.
The design itself is very minimalistic, with just plain grey metal and concrete. I tried to make sure the colors would blend well with the Skylines style. I did go for a slightly more industrialized / airport look. Take note of the signage, which is based on the international Highway Gothic font, one you’ll encounter throughout the world.
I also setup some flags and signs referencing these might form a border checkpoint between districts or countries. It fits in quite nicely in front of a bridge or at the edge of the map, where otherwise you’d just have a highway.