Town Hall
Town Hall from Spisska Nova Ves,(Slovakia).
The town authorities of Spišská Nová Ves had the present Town Hall building built in the Classicist style in 1777 – 1779. The cost was 11,569 canaries and 51 mites. It is a scattered three storeyed, block, six-axial with a monumental buttress. The main entrance is situated on the north side. However the main facade faces south.
During a long period of time, from its construction up to the fifties of our century, the town hall was the center of all municipal activities. All important events, actions, decisions, which concerned the town and its citiziens, happened either inside the town hall or within close vicinity. Meetings of the citiziens were held in front of the town hall and from its balcony representatives of municipal administration and political parties addressed residents of the town and made their speeches. That is why the informal name – Municipal House, which the town hall was given from the very beginning, is still widely used among the town’s inhabitants.
maps – d,n,s,a,i (2048×1024)
triangles – 3803
LOD triangles – 88
It’s located in unique buildings (landmarks)
Screenshots are taken with
– Daylight Classic by BloodyPenguin
– Softer Shadows by boformer
– Realistic LUT V1.2 by Captain Soap