Train station one double complete
Train station one double complete
+ underpass entry
+ overpass
A double variety of the Train station one. Now all puzzle elements are together and now a underpass connect the platforms.
Train station one is a fictional passenger train station designed and created by Tobse.
-reconnect underpass in game
-Modern look 2-track passenger train station
-Lot size 16×12
-Interior objects
-underpass entry
-less file size (12 MB) instead of the all puzzle pieces (20MB)
#Building stats
Construction cost: 65’000
Maintenace cost: 3’150 asset editor (in game: 504)
Fire hazard: 1
Fire Tolerance: 20
Garbage accumulation: 18
Electricity: 85
Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well: 18/8/20/24
Sewage water: 50
Clean water: 50
Noise: 100
Noise Radius: 80
#Tech stats
2048×2048 px = Textures (Diffuse, Alpha, Normal, Specular, Illumination)
256×256 px = LOD textures
Mod powered by Tobse
Additional information at www.tobs-design.de/mods-by-tobse/
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