Tram Gravel prop
Sunken gravel PROP (not a decal) to decorate your tram tracks. Follows the terrain and fits on slight slopes. I prefered a prop to a decal because it’s easier to place and the result is cleaner (especially in curves).
Grass version
Asphalt version
Modelmain model
tris: 18
textures: 512×512 (diffuse-normal)
tris: 18
texture: 64×64 (diffuse)
- LOD Toggler
- Prop Line Tool
- Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
- Prop Snapping
- Prop Precision
- Move It!
- Transparent Selectors
My Workshop page
Simtropolis forum thread[community.simtropolis.com]
Mind map of my stuff[www.mindmeister.com]
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