Transfield, Planned Road/Traffic map
Planned Road/Traffic map
Hold your horse, you may need a mod will list it later in this description.
Keep this in your mind: “perfectionist.” I’m not 100% perfectionist which mean the map with planned traffic and transport are NOT perfect. I’m new to Cities Skyline, so that map is my first ultimately map that I’m going to play and enjoy for myself and make some experiments to see if it achieves. I thought I would share it here.
I will list what included save game.
-99% roads are 6 lanes with decorated trees. I do not included 1 way roads because it was too late after I created bus lines.
-8 Cargo Trains
– Greater than 10 Train Stations (Lost count)
-Greater than 100 Metro Stations (Lost Count)
-Greater than 10 Bus Stations (Lost Count)
-6 Cargo Ships
-5 Harbor Ships
-Greater than 9 highway exits (Depends on how you definite “exit”)
All transports included with lines. Warning*** I do not organized lines very well. I didn’t had much patient. I wanted to rush and play, so I rushed and clicked lines quickly and randomly.
I didn’t included water, electric, and sewer system. Custom it yourself!
Lastly, this is important. I’d suggest (demand) you to turn on unlimited money because this map will cost around $370,000 keep up weekly.
Yes, $370,000 keep up weekly. Wish you best luck without unlimited money!
Okay, this map is 25 titles…. So you may need mods. I don’t know if you can get it working without mods, but I think it would be safer for me to put essential mods.
All Spaces Unlockable (titles)
The Great Plan (map)
I heard rumors that The Great Plan may has some train transport problems from output. I don’t know what exact it is.
Repeatedly, this map that I’m going to enjoy and EXPERIMENT myself. Wish you best luck if you wanted too.
I took MANY HOURS to make this planned road. If you liked it, rate it or comment it. If you disliked it, leave a comment with feedback to help me to learn what mistake I made. If you are really angry with my map, I don’t want see an ugly attitudes. Hesitate to leave a comment. Otherwise, if you think you would like to leave a formal critical feedback, please feel free to stop by! Thanks!