The TTC ALRV’s (Articulated Light Rail Vehicle) are the bigger versions of the CLRV’s also used in Toronto. Unlike the CLRV’s the ALRV’s have an articulated joint and larger capacity. The ALRV’s entered service in the late 1980’s and are a more uncommon sight in Toronto compared to their smaller counterparts. The ALRV’s can only be found on the 501 Queen Streetcar (though they do sometimes appear on the 504 King during rush hour and the 511 Bathurst during the Exhibition). They were originally supposed to be retired in a 1 for 1 arrangement with the new Flexity LRV’s however due to the compounding delays the ALRV’s will be hanging around until 2018-2019.
Max Speed: 80Km/h
Passenger Capacity: 206 (though the game changed it to 267 for some reason).