U.S. Capitol
U.S. Capitol by Tobse
The United States Capitol, is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.
It sits atop Capitol Hill, at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
( Description source: )
Location: USA, Washington, D.C.
#Landmark stats
Construction cost: 565’000
Maintenace cost: 5’000 asset editor (in game: 800)
Fire hazard: 1
Fire Tolerance: 20
Garbage accumulation: 25
Electricity: 60
Tourists High/Low/Medium: 35/175/125
Workers Educated/Highly/Uneducated/Well: 60/22/80/32
Sewage water: 15
Clean water: 15
Attractiveness: 12
Entertainment: 100
Entertainment Radius: 750
Noise: 20
Noise Radius: 30
Monument level: 4
#Tech stats
14’959 tris = LOD 1
643 tris = LOD 2
2048×2048 px = Textures (Diffuse, Alpha, Normal, Specular, Illumination)
512×512 px = LOD textures
Mod powered by Tobse
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