Ultra low tri trees
From 162tri ,256×256 textures, 6 trees only 5.5mb.
I spend a lot of time getting the textures and colours just the way I want them for a more natural green.
they work well with daylight classic as some trees can look more blue. This pack, the green has more yellow and red then blue but still has lots of green saturation without looking bright green like the vanilla trees. even with the 256x textures and large billboard branches there is still details in the leaves not just a flat texture
All models are a different shape type and have a good lod. they will work in all environments. just sub 5.5mb for 6 trees can’t go wrong
Full canopy 162 tri All 256×256 textures and snowfall
Regular tree 212tri
split trunk 180tri
extra tall 318tri
bushy 330tri
multi trunk 288tri
A guide I made to replace trees using prop it up mod