underwater power lines
Have a look at all assets and maps I’ve created! -> ^^^In my collection^^^
A 1×1 invisible underwater power line
Update 4: Corrects the size of the icons.
Update 3: Adds icons in the content manager.
Update 2: Fixes the issue of Update 1 that made it disappear ingame. Also adds specific icons for the underwater power line.
Update 1: Now with an icon ingame. Please make sure to either not have “no power for heating” turned on or have it connected with an heating pipe because it’ll neeed heating.
–> I’ve also uploaded a version for under NORMAL TERRAIN! <–
Important Statistics:
Size: 1×1
Positive things:
— Invisible
Negative things:
– You can’t place other things there
Size: 1×1
Construction Cost: 100
Fire Hazard: 0
Fire Tolerance: 1000
Garbage Accumulation: 0
Maintenance Cost: 1
Electricity Consumption: 1
Electricity Production: 1
Noise Accumulation: 0
Noise Radius: 0
Pollution Accumulation: 0
Pollution Radius: 0
Sewage Accumulation: 0
Water Consumption: 0
Educated Workers: 0
Highly Educated Workers: 0
Uneducated Workers: 0
Well Educated Workers 0
Resource Capacity: 0
Resource Consumption: 0
I think it’s a pretty cool tool. What do you think? Let me now in the comments and if you like that feel free to share this asset with your friends and have a look at the other things I uploaded. Also feel free to subscribe me to see what I create next. Have fun with the underwater power line and I’ll hopefully hear from you in the comments. Bye!