Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks
It unlocks all Landmarks, Unique Buildings and Wonders in addition to what built-in Unlock All mod does.
Want to see all Landmarks and Wonders in your city here and now? Use this mod!
You may also want to check out my European Buildings Unlocker mod if you want to see European landmarks and service buildings in your Boreal, Temperate, Winter or Tropical city (or vice versa).
Note #1: Choose what buildings you need to unlock in the options panel before using the mod the first time. After Dark, Snowfall buildings, Natural Disasters and Mass Transit buildings aren’t unlocked by default. All other buildings types will be unlocked by default.
Note #2: Please note, that unique buildings unlocks are permanent in Cities: Skylines, i.e. they persist across save games. To reset unlocks go to game’s options Misc section and click ‘Reset Unique Building Unlocking’ button
GitHub repository[github.com]
Latest update:
UPDATE 7 (12/5/2016)
Added: Mass Transit landmarks unlocks
Feel free to comment.
Note: if you have any errors/exceptions, please, don’t paste them or output_log.txt into comments. Use pastebin, dropbox or whatever. Please make sure that this mod is activated before submitting your reports.
You can find more of my mods in my workshop.
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