USA Grant Houses 21 storey (RICO)
USA Grant Houses 21 storey by pauljchris
Original model by myself part of a set of 7 loosely based upon the Grant Houses project housing in New York City. A 21 storey model is provided, the real estate also has 13 storey variants and also a twin tower version which are avaialble as part of the set. Originally built for Cities XL , now converted for Cities Skylines.
Review the other 6 variant models in the set by clicking on the collection link
Footprint 10 x 10
Model 3214 Tris 150 Custom Lod
Maps 1024 x 1024 d,n.a,r,i LOD 32 x 32
Soldyne’s Iron Fences were used for the perimeter fencing of this model , see pre- requisite for links to the right of this page.
Without RICO enabled this will load as a level 2 monument without any functionality.
RICO settings
Cost 50,000
Households 140
Residential High Density L3
Placement advice
1/ For best results level the terrain before placement as the footprint is quite large.
2/ Leave a 1 tile gap between buildings in order to be able to connect up the pedestrian paths realistically.