Variable Props – School-1
This elementary school is based on the default elementary school. The school has been modified to represent a typical American school.
The following changes were made:
– Portable classrooms, a small soccer field and numerous trees were added.
– Color variation was added. The trim of the roof line will be different colors.
– Over 60 props/trees were added. The Probability Changer mod was used to vary the frequency at which each prop/tree grows. Each time the building is placed, it will take on a new look depending on which trees and props grow with the base building. The user does not need to install the Probability Changer mod to make use of this feature.
– The size of the plot was expanded to 12×10, which is more realistic and provides more room for all the additional props and trees.
– The statistics were modified slightly to make it more difficult. Cost was increased from $10,000 to $25,000. Education radius was reduced from 500 to 400. Workers were changed to require more educated workers. These changes will make it more difficult to educate your citizens early in the game.
Most of the props and trees are default. However, I am also pulling from a collection of frame-rate/memory friendly props and trees, which you can subscribe to using the link below. If you don’t subscribe to this collection, it will still work, but there will be a few props/trees missing.
Check out the Variable Props collection for more buildings such as this.