Vehicle Unbuncher
This mod resolves the problem of bus/metro/train/trams bunching (when lots of vehicles stay in the same part of a line while the rest of the line is empty. You can read more here: ).
It works by making vehicles keep a distance to the next vehicle equal to the length of the line divided by the number of vehicles in the line.
Vehicles check their distance when trying to leave a station and if the distance is smaller than it should be they wait until it is.
Also, there are two reasons why a vehicle might leave earlier:
- If about 10 seconds (You can change this value, learn more in the next section) have passed since the vehicle has arrived at the station.
- If the station is used by two lines
The first time you activate the mod, if you have huge bunching problems (like I had), you will see lots of vehicles waiting for what it seems like forever, this is normal and once the line achieves similar spacing between the vehicles it will run normally.
To change how agressive the unbunching process is go to the Cities: Skylines folder and open VehicleUnbuncherOptions.xml (if you don’t find the file create a new game and it will appear). The only variable present and the one that determine how agressive the unbunching process is is MaxWaitCounter. MaxWaitCounter can be any integer between 12 and 255 (including both). What this variable determines is the maximum amount of time vehicles will wait at a station. The default is 100 and a bigger number means more aggressive unbunching and a smaller number means a less agressive unbunching.
To report any bug please post a comment with a link to the output_log.txt
Any comments saying the mod does not work with no link to the log file will be deleted.
You can download it here:
This mod is based on, and could not exist without, the implementation by DontCryJustDie (from Improved Public Transport) of the Sebastian Schöner’s CitiesSkylinesDetour[] mod