Verizon Store
Part of the Riverpark Shopping Center Volume two: New year 2017.
Once known as Bell Atlantic, Verizon is the one of the largest US communications companies fighting through TV commercials and family plans. Verizon is headquartered in New York, New York. Bell Atlantic is one of the companies formed after the split of the Bell System which at the time had a monopoly of the phone system. They eventually renamed to Verizon. Telephone communication in the US has a crazy history. When you have the time, look up Bell System in Wikipedia. This asset is a corner piece for the Riverpark Shopping Center.
Update: Now includes sign prop. Found in the Billboards tab when using More Beautification mod. If you have a search mod just search “Riverpark.”
RICO Enabled
Size: 1×4
Level 2 Commercial
Custom LOD
by Cristolisto