Water conservancy facilities
大家好 这次的作品是水质监测综合大楼
有水质监测,水闸,办公楼,业务办理等功能 ~笑
注意事项: •这个资产中包含了二个部分 Water conservancy facilities,菜单位置:parks&plazas→plazas stone-s,菜单位置:electricity •由于水上建筑的特殊性,需要用到2个mod “move it “对资产进行微调,主要是下降操作 无碰撞mod(有好几个,自己选一个)摆放建筑的时候需要
hi everyone~~
This is a Water conservancy facilities
it Is a comprehensive water office building
if you like please rate~~
注意事项: •This Asset consists of two parts Water conservancy facilities Location:parks&plazas→plazas stone-s Location:electricity •Being a building on water, the following mod is requisite: “move it “(move the asset freely, you may need it to “sink” your building) Please use any mod with Road Anarchy (e.g. Fine Road Anarchy ) to place
Infos for nerds:
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