West Lake Jade Belt Bridge 西湖玉帶橋 | 西湖玉带桥
Yudai Bridge (Jade Belt Bridge) on West Lake, Hangzhou, China, was built in 1731 and is one of the 18 classic scenes of West Lake in Qing Dynasty (“Jade Ribbon with Sunny Rainbow”). A pavilion was erected on the bridge, which was destroyed at the end of the Qing dynasty and was rebuilt in 1982.
The bridge is a functional pedestrian bridge and can be placed over water or even on land. I recommend using SamsamTS’s Move It! mod to adjust the height of the asset and BloodyPenguin’s Extra Landscaping Tools.
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1×6 Park (placeable anywhere)
cost: 5000
upkeep: 48 /week
water: 0 m3/week
electricity: 0 KW
tris: 2305 (with prop)
maps: 1024×1024 (d,a,n)
LOD tris: 112
LOD maps: 128×128 (d,a)
If you like it, please rate up! Thank You!
本橋可供模擬市民使用並可置於任何地方,無論地上或水上。建議使用SamsamTS的Move It! Mod 來調整資產高度和BloodyPenguin的Extra Landscaping Tools。
1×6 公園
費用: 5000
維修費: 48 /週
水: 0 立方公尺/週
電: 0 千瓦
tris: 2305 (含插件)
maps: 1024×1024 (d,a,n)
LOD tris: 112
LOD maps: 128×128 (d,a)
如果您喜歡請給個讚! 謝謝!
本桥可提供模拟市民使用并可置于任何地方,无论地上或水上。建议使用SamsamTS的Move It! Mod 来调整资产高度和BloodyPenguin的Extra Landscaping Tools。
1×6 公园
费用: 5000
维修费: 48 /周
水: 0 立方公尺/周
电: 0 千瓦
tris: 2305 (含插件)
maps: 1024×1024 (d,a,n)
LOD tris: 112
LOD maps: 128×128 (d,a)
如果您喜欢请给个赞! 谢谢!
Tags: stone bridge, chinese architecture, chinese garden, pavilion, ting, China, 中國傳統建築, 中國園林, 中国传统建筑, 中国园林, 中式
by Emperor Li