[XIRI] Advanced Police Dept. HQ
[*Make short work of any criminal with this high end HQ!*]
*** Part of a series I am creating that replaces the services -and other- buildings with more modern-looking and advanced versions of them. Why? Because I generally amass ~75K people on one city tile and I absolutely hate spamming service buildings that all look pretty much the same just to keep everybody happy. In a nutshell, I am creating new -lightweight- models with upgraded capacities and costs that are designed to function alot of people packed together. ***
Current stats vs. the original(ugly) police department:
Footprint: 5×5 — 6×4
Plop cost: 150000 — 60000
Maintenance: 3500 — 1600 weekly
Power: 300 — 80
Water: 75/75 — 30/30
Important stats:
Area of operation: 2000 — 1200
Police cars: 40 — 25
*Tris: 399, LOD: 90
More info below! Worth reading ?
Ever noticed this scenario;
Your police department costs are THROUGH THE ROOF, while only 5 cars are being deployed to arrest innocent toddlers that just wanted an icecream? Yeah, me too. Now you could of course upgrade the existing Police Dept. HQ with some nicer stats, but that wouldn’t get you a NICE HIGH END BUILDING in your city now would it? ?
As with all my -future- buildings, I take the upgrading of a service building to the next level by not only upgrading the stats, but also implementing a detailed new, modern, high end looking model for everybody to enjoy. It fits anywhere ?
[Update 1.3]-Police cars reduced to 40 after further requested testing.-Maintenance increased to 3500 / week after further requested testing.
[Update 1.2]
– Police cars increased to 50 after testing in a highly criminal city.
[Update 1.1]
– Added LOD model – enjoy!
Please keep in mind that this is only my second model EVER, so bare with me if it’s not 100% perfect.
More coming in the future ?
** Input of all kinds is very welcome! ** –> Especially requests and tips!
–> Throw some stars if you like this, means a lot to the creator!