Yachts & Boats for Marina Spawners
Before we begin, thanks to our modding community for creating all those awesome mods & guides. Without their hard work it would be impossible for me to create my assets.(i have neither coding, nor 3d modeling knowledge)
I have an active Island project going on in Cities Skylines (created by me 3 years ago, custom map with different real life location height maps combined). I am using nearly 150 mods with 8000 assets loaded. My island does not include any ground land connection. No hidden car or rail routes, just sea and Plane connections.
I have always dreamed about living marinas, boats sailing around. I was dreaming about boats sailing freely without me messing with public transport routes or selecting every route 1 by 1. Thanks to Colossal Order with SUNSET HARBOR expansion, the dream i have since the first game now came true!!
Information & DLCs:
This assets created by converting models from Mic Crosshill (5 models from his Marina collection), Bloodypenguin and Mobiousone.(links below) Credits go to them, i just allowed models to spawn as fishing boat. So, you guys still need their models for decoration since this assets does not have anything to plop.
Since i have all of the DLC Colossal Order released so i am not sure which DLC you need other than Sunset Harbor.
This assets created without any coding or modelling (respect to original creators) so i dont think anybody will have problem while using it. But if you have any problem i will try to help if i can.
Some these models are really detailed and have high triangle count, and yes this is a warning
I used fishing harbor & boat because when i tried to use other fishing buildings or mess with other buildings, ai selection and tried to convert them either it stopped working or my game spammed error, on the other hand i tried to keep it simple. So until more experienced modders find a better solution this looks the easiest and simplest one.
It uses default in game mechanic, as long as you have more fancy boat models that uses Fishing Boat ai you guys can deselect high triangle one. For now we do not have any on workshop (as far as i know)
Helpful Mods:
If you ask my opinion the addons i am going to list now are “Must have!” , but it is your choice. (SH Compatible mods as of April 2nd, 2020)
Service Vehicle Selector (you can build multiple marinas and select each boat seperately if you want.)
MoveIt (move your marinas & boat decorations with this one. For people that do not have move it (are there any really?))
FindIt (this mods is a must have)
Advanced Vehicle Options (if you want to edit stats of the boats, you need this)
Loading Screen Mod (do i need to explain?)
Fine Road Anarchy 2 (Press CTRL+A and live the dream.)
Surface Painter (if you have painted surface under your ploppable boat (if you choose to subscribe to their content,you can get rid of them with this)
Prop & Tree Anarchy (you are gonna decorate your marinas right?)
Must have Assets:
Mic CrossHill’s Marina Asset’s (Main reason why i have created this. I have used some of Mic CrossHill’s models into fishing boats, you need to check that collection.)
BloodyPenguin’s Boats Pack (Another boat pack from a great modder, another must have.)
Luxury Super Yachts from MobiusOne
Small Motor Boat by OI Matte Swiss (WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! i had problems with this one. As of Sunset Harbor release i am not using it as ploppable)
– No more empty marinas, your cims will / can sail with their boats.
– Spawns yachts and boats automatically. (close to default game stat not to overcrowd seas)
– Any Workshop content that is uploaded as Fishing Boat will work
– They are Fishing Boats, but do not need any fishing industry.
– If you have any problems with these (higly unlikely since my game still running for the last 10 hours (150 mods 8000 assets) without any problems. (Old save)), i will try my best to help you.
– Any problems with models, let me say again. I did not edit any model or stats, so i cant help. (but i will try)
I hope everybody will enjoy these if they choose to subscribe. Have fun, be safe.
Required DLC:
Cities: Skylines – Sunset Harbor